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Work as a Public Relation Officer- handle customer problems and address issues. Managerial works like supervision of Clerical works, making decisions for the development of the bank, etc. Verification of all the works done by the clerks. Must be aware of the latest developments of banks.

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SBI PO 2023 Exam Pattern

The SBI PO selection process consists of 3 stages. The written examinations are conducted online, followed by an interview round. The structure of exams is as follows:

Phase-1: SBI PO Preliminary Examination

This is an online examination where the candidates must solve the question paper in one 1 hour for 100 marks. The test consists of 3 sections. Candidates must know that the sectional cut-off in the Preliminary Exam has been removed and the overall score of all the sections will be considered for selection to the next round.. The cut-off or minimum passing marks for each section is decided by the Bank each year depending on the difficult of the test. The section-wise division of the marks is given below:

Phase - II : SBI PO Mains Syllabus

The Mains Examination of SBI PO exam 2023 will constitute 4 sections: Reasoning + Computer Aptitude, English Language, Data Analysis & Interpretation and General/Economy/Banking Awareness. The complete SBI PO Mains syllabus is discussed below:

SBI PO Mains Exam Pattern